Re: What are the top 50 foundries today?
James, are all your licenses one-time-payments, or are any annual? Is the revenue-based pricing based on just the previous financial year?1 -
Re: A new Art Deco, and the hunt for Broadway Greek/Cyrillic
As Andreas noted, the hryvnia symbol is derived from the cursive form of the Cyrillic г, which has a ductus similar to a reversed s but following the regular slant of an italic. So either try your mi…3 -
Re: Microsoft Designer shipped an A.I. Typographer
Of course they do, because like all AI output there is no actual thought behind them. No one has sat down and considered how to make something different than what has already been done ad nauseam. An…6 -
Re: Monotype buys Extensis
You are right, of course, that Monotype don’t have a significant control over typesetting environments, per se, but it seems to me that they are coming at the machine analogy from a different perspec…9 -
Re: Monotype buys Extensis
Which was exactly the reason why typesetting machine manufacturers made and licensed typefaces: to add value to the machines that were their primary source of revenue. My concern with this model is t…9